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Literature synthesis

The Network conducted a systematic review on Theme 1 (What are the trends in disability across the EU?). Papers published as original research articles between 1978 and 2016 were included if they meet the following inclusion criteria:

  • Geographical location: EU28 Region

  • Population: people aged 60 and over included in a general sample

  • Scope: reporting on trends in disabilities, morbidity, functional limitations or cognitive impairment 

  • Date of data collection: 1978 onwards

  • With at least two time points

  • Language: any


The Network conducted rapid reviews and synthesised existing knowledge about outcomes and cost-effectiveness for Themes 2–5. These reviews covered academic and grey literature (e.g. including governmental and think tank reports). Initial discussions were carried out with policy makers (EU representatives/national policy makers) to inform the Network about issues/topics which they saw as priorities for synthesis of evidence. Evidence emerging from the rapid reviews was supplemented with additional evidence sources including key “local” documents identified by network experts in each of the countries covered by the network. By looking at these sources, the Network was able to reflect evidence in non-English language which might have been missed by the rapid literature reviews. 

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